Ok today is the LAST Day of the TPT Bonus Store wide SALE!
Did you check out the products I sent you in the last emails?
Are you still on the fence if you should buy one?
Well, I think I have a way for you to get those products and more and save some $ while doing it. I have bundles for each of the complete grades I have completed loading to my store. You can find them here:
Maybe you are looking for a bundle in 4th grade and up…. I haven’t gotten these completely up on the store yet. But I decided to create a bundle that will allow you to try out a story from each grade before you commit to a big purchase for a specific grade level. ( I think I mentioned this in yesterday’s email also 🙂)
This Bundle will include each of the products listed in the last email in a multi grade level bundle. This bundle will cover each of the grades 1st - 8th.
Go check it out here and don’t forget if you buy it during the TPT sale that ends today, you save 20%.
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